June What to Spot!

June What to Spot!

Here in the Tees Valley, a number of organisations are running family friendly events to mark this week, including bug hunts, pond dipping and crafts at RSPB Saltholme over both weekends. In addition, The River Tees Rediscovered projects Wings of the Tees, Coastal and Wading Birds and Honeypot and Education Spaces are all joining forces for a Wild Weekend of Bioblitzes on 16/17 June. Part of the Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild campaign, experts and enthusiasts will be on hand to help people identify and record as many different species as possible at Bowesfield nature reserve and on the coast at Redcar. Activities will cover plants and animals but there will be plenty of opportunities to investigate our smaller residents including spider spotting, butterfly counting and pond exploration. 


What to Spot May 18

What to Spot May 18

The river here has a voice, plenty of shallow sections running noisily over shingle and rocks, in contrast to the deeper, quieter sections as the river passes Stockton and Middlesbrough. It’s perfect dipper country and I’ve have spotted dippers in the past, near Low Coniscliffe and at Broken Scar.


St Edwin's Church

St Edwin's Church

In High Coniscliffe, Darlington, there is a fabulous church that is full of history and character. It is called St Edwin’s Church. As may be deduced from the name ‘High Coniscliffe’ it sits overlooking the River Tees and the surrounding landscape.
