Explore this area for all our education materials and information relating to the entire project.
The Tees Sculpture Trail - Designs
We thought you might like a sneaky peak at the draft proposals for the 'Tees Sculpture Trail'.
Five designers/artists have been commissioned to deliver five interpretative artistic pieces each, creating a series of 25 creative pieces celebrating the fascinating history, landscape and cultural heritage of the River Tees as it flows through Tees Valley.
We hope you like them!
The Natural Heritage Report
The Natural Heritage Report, published in February 2014, collated information supplied by the Tees Valley Local Nature Partnership, with support from Wildflower Ark, as well as wider partner information to determine and support project elements for inclusion in the River Tees Rediscovered (RTR) Landscape Partnership. Click on the button below to read the findings of the report.
Heritage Guides
Our Heritage Guides focus on key areas of the River Tees Rediscovered area, highlighting the key themes that form a part of the Tees Valley. Click on the buttons to download a copy of each guide.
South Gare - Image by Kev Howard
Heritage Trails
Our Heritage Trails feature over 25 linear and circular routes connected to the Teesdale Way as it travel through Tees Valley, click on the buttons to download a copy of each guide.
Piercebridge Bridge - image by Peter Giroux
Tees Archaeology Reports
Discover the findings from our Community Archaeology project and the various surveys and archaeological digs.
Singing Bridges
Singing Bridges highlights the unheard sounds and secret language of the urban environment.
These sounds offer something unexpectedly transformative, as we tune in to the bridge in a moment of pure presence, that can release the structure from its everyday purpose and open our perception to other dimensions in a location specific listening experience.